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Creating Mythical Creatures

         My research focuses on ancient Greek mythology and how mythical creatures were shaped and portrayed in their adventures. Chimeras, in particular, became an interest of mine. Many stories include creatures that consist of combinations of animals and humans. From griffons and hydras to cyclops and minotaurs, Greek mythology has a plethora of imaginative creature combinations that seem limitless. While Greek mythology has many chimeras being half-human, I took a distinct fascination with the mythical creatures that were purely animal combinations. 


         My thesis combined my interest and research of chimeras with my love of modeling and rigging in Autodesk Maya. I designed, modeled, textured, rigged, posed, and rendered two models for this project. I used these methods to showcase my passion for 3D art where mythical creatures can come to life. My main focus was on rigging. I created full rigs for both models meaning they can be realistically moved around and animated in Maya. Both rigs have Inverse Kinematic and Forward Kinematic switches for the arms, and facial rigs to move the face, eyes, and mouth for animation and lip sync. 


         The first chimera I modeled and rigged was the Griffon known from Greek mythology. With my twist on design, this character is a bipedal half African Hawk eagle and half lioness. She is adventurous and always in search of treasure. My second chimera was an original design. Combining a sea otter and an axolotl, this Axolotter is a very happy and very pink quadruped who loves to swim. Both the Griffon and Axolotter are unique, imaginary creatures, combined with different animals to showcase my love of mythology and rigging. In this way, I have created animatable characters that could only exist in one’s imagination.

2024 Alexandra Adrian

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